Celebrating our 59th Year – 1966 -2025
On a cold January night with falling snow approaching blizzard proportions, a group of hardy antique automobile enthusiasts gathered at the popular Bala Inn, on the circle in Somers Point. The object of the meeting was to form a Region of the national Antique Automobile Club of America. The date was January 26, 1966, and at the first meeting, the following officers were elected to serve for the first year after the issuance of a Charter by the National Board of Directors; David N. Blyler, Sr. Director, Jonathan F Wallace, Assistant Director, Herbert L Godfrey, Secretary/Treasurer.
The signatures of at least 15 AACA members had to accompany a request for a Charter. We made it, with two names to spare. The following names were on that list submitted to National: Archibald Carlson of OC, Jonathan F. Wallace of Somers Point, Ralph D. Simpson of CMCH, Herbert and Theresa Godfrey of OC, Robert and Harriet Bartlett of Linwood, Ralph T. Buckley of Absecon, David & Rosemarie Blyler of OC, Frank & Anita Springer of CMCH, Frank Springer, Jr. of CMCH, Maurice Evans of CMCH and Ed Davis, then of Pleasantville, Jack and Norma West of OC.
On May 10, 1966, the club received its approval letter from John J. Lampbert Jr. Vice President in Charge of Regions AACA. In the letter Dave was notified that our application for a new Region had been approved by members of the National Board of Directors at Hershey, PA. Mr. Lambert added that our formal Charter would be sent as soon as it was printed.
To all our Directors and Presidents and Show Chairpersons the Jersey Cape Region members say “Thanks for a job well-done.” We continue to grow and prosper, thanks to interested, active people who enjoy the old and classic car hobby and the pleasure and satisfaction it holds. Let’s all strive to make the future even better!!!